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No One Has More Time Than You

December 12, 2023

The assumption of time…and the way we spend it.

The idea that you’ll do the things you want to do when you have more time.

The hidden trap that is…. waiting.  Waiting to do the things that light up your heart for when you have more time.

Having. More. Time.

I’ve been reflecting on that concept a lot lately and the more I do, the stranger it becomes.

The reality is, you cannot create or save time.  And that’s not because of any presumption of “anything can happen at any time” …” I could die tomorrow” line of thought, though there is some truth to that, it’s not what I’m getting at here.

The idea that we can generate more time is an empty pursuit because one cannot create time, any more than one can control it.

We all have the same 24hrs in a day. We all have exactly the same amount of time. So why does one person seem to have more of it than another.

You know who I mean right? The mom who appears to seamlessly juggle kids, a career, & all the daily chaos with a green smoothie in one hand and a yoga mat in the other.  Why do the things that you (ok fine, me…I’m talking about myself!) struggle to fit into your day seem to be effortless for another?

Before you deem yourself a failure, let me go ahead and call bullshit on that! You can’t see it from behind your burnt-out lens, but everything you think everyone else has time for that you don’t is a complete illusion. The abundance of time is a lie, as well as the perfect personas who you perceive have it.

But the part that’s not BS, is the expenditure.  It’s not the amount of time we have that’s different, it’s how we are spending that time that makes all the difference.

So, getting back to the initial thought…you cannot “create” more time. You must instead take a closer look at the way you are spending your time. Once you can really grasp that spending time is like spending currency, you begin to understand that you might be overspending in some areas while underspending in others. 

It also should be noted that you are the only one who should decide how your precious time is spent, on what or with whom.

Another way to look at it is like cleaning out a closet. You know it’s time to clear some stuff out. Maybe you’ve outgrown things, or certain things just don’ t suit you anymore. Maybe you’ve changed and your style has as well. So, you fill bags with all the items that you once loved and hope that someone else will too. 

So now you have all this beautiful space!  You feel free and liberated and able to move around, perhaps literally! This is the same feeling you have when you begin to reclaim your overspent time.

Just like a freshly cleared out closet though…resisting the urge to refill the space, to find where to spend the newly available time is the same feeling as money just burning a hole through your pocket, begging to be spent! But wait…

Let’s talk about your intentions. You want the illusion of more time, so remember your why. 

It is a complete disservice to yourself if you just fill up the newly cleaned out closet with more junk you probably won’t ever wear.  This is where you must become incredibly selective.

This is when you must get clear on what is actually important to you, what your values are, and what goals you are working towards.  The time you have to spend should be exclusive to these specific things and nothing else. 

Make a conscious effort to clear things from your life that are cluttering your mind, body & spirit. Resist any urges or pressures to fill the reclaimed time with more of what you don’t want or need.

Rather, hold that space.  Redistribute that time & finally start spending it on the things you’ve been dreaming about; on the place where your thoughts gravitate to when you wish you were doing something else or living the life of someone you admire. 

Maybe it’s something seemingly simple like having time to go for a walk or read a book. It could be going to the mountains or on a cruise.  Maybe it’s bigger than that and you want to build a new career, pursue a relationship, have a family or move overseas.

Whatever it is, the moment you start reclaiming YOUR time; the time that is part of your one precious life, you will see a pathway to the things you’ve always wanted for yourself.

What you’ll then come to realize is the things you’ve always wanted, are a gateway into your purpose.  These things, places, or passions you love are the gifts that are intended for you to serve with…to give to the world.  All you have to do is make room for them & decide to spend the time you already have with selection, intention and consciousness. 

Happy Spending!

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